Monday, September 10, 2012

29 weeks "Big Kate"

Well, I may or may not be considered huge at this point. I can't believe I have 10 more weeks to go, and this belly is gonna have to keep stretching some more. No stretch marks yet, but I'm just holding my breath on that one. The kids I used to nanny had a special endearing term they liked to call me because my name was the same as one of the twins. So, to keep things straight the term "Big Kate" started. Well, I have lived up to my name for sure. lol
View from up here is a little different these days. 

Our sweet little girl is now almost 3 pounds about 15 in. long and about the size of a small cabbage.
This past week I have started to feel when she gets the hiccups. I know shes been getting them since at least 20 weeks, we could hear them on the doppler at the doctors, but I couldn't feel them. It is one strange feeling, kinda like a rhythmic twitch. I've tried to capture her crazy acrobatic movements on video but she usually stops once I get ready to start filming. She also comes to a freeze when I or Andy puts our hand on my belly to feel her moving.  This video was the best I could do.
My morning sickness nausea is definitely gone, I now only start feeling nauseous if I eat too much or if the baby moves suddenly while I'm eating or if it's just been too long since I ate last. I am very thankful to be able to enjoy this part of pregnancy with out getting sick. 
I have gained more weight, I'm now at 131. I'll be 30 weeks in just two days, so that makes me feel better. I have noticed that my weight has leveled out a bit since we moved into the house. I haven't been eating out as much since I have my own kitchen to cook in now. I love my new kitchen by the way. It's huge, so I get lots of exercise while I'm cooking.

Little girls room is now painted!!! Here is a preview of what it will look like.
We went with an off white, so I could do bold curtians.
I have fabric for a hard cornice with cream trim, I'll start on that project soon.
Swivel glider with ottoman. Our carpet here is gray, so I think it will go well. 

My mom found this dresser at a consignment shop in Bowling Green. I actually haven't see it in person yet, but I love it! It was a great price, and turns out that its actually a popular brand. We hadn't hear of it before (Henry Link, Bali Hai), but its well made and will work great for a changing table. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

All Moved In

I am now happy to say we are in our new home here in Dandridge, TN. Thanks to many church members and my amazing Mom things went smoothly and quickly with the move in. My mom cleaned, made curtains, and cooked a great meal while she was here. I felt like she was the energizer bunny making loops around me, she found things to clean that would have gone untouched otherwise. Thank you mom for everything you do!
So far, I have all the boxes unpacked and things are where they will stay for the most part. We quickly noticed that our cute little cozy apartment furniture now looks miniature sized for this house.
We once had cute little nooks like this:

The one bookshelf we kept fell apart while we
were moving. I used to complain about all of Andy's books, but they look pretty all color coordinated in our old place. I'll have to search craigslist for some new ones.

We now have huge empty spaces like this:
Right now I am reminding myself that things are not what make up a home. A home is where my man is and were good meals are made and friends are welcome to gather. I can busy my self tirelessly at making this house look pleasing to the eye, but am I really making a difference in the life of my family if this is all I focus on? I have been blessed beyond belief, and if this corner never looks picture perfect then so be it!

So, we have plenty of room to grow in this place as you can see. We have been busy hanging pictures this week and I'm enjoying cooking in my kitchen. Monday we started taping and priming in little girls room. We finished the priming and now on to the actual paint. Once we get that done I already have curtains to hang that mom made and then I'll make the cornices and have Andy hang those. We have the crib, a dresser my mom found, and I ordered a glider just a few days ago. Little girls room is coming together nicely! I'll do a separate nursery post once I get a few things finished.