Wednesday, June 20, 2012

18 weeks

Hello, I got a belly!

I am slowly embracing this new belly of mine, and all that comes along with it (inc. those awesome stretchy pants). It's so nice to have a big sister and sister-in-law that have passed tons of clothes down to me. So, I now have some outer proof of this crazy journey we're on and I am grateful!!

We may have a house soon! We put the offer in on Friday and on Monday they ACCEPTED. Just waiting on the financing to go through, and a final closing date. This was actually one of the first houses we looked at, and after looking at what seemed like hundreds, we just couldn't get this one out of our heads. If you would, pray for the sellers who are currently looking for a place to rent, also pray that everything goes smoothly with the bank and final arrangements of the move. I'm so thankful we were able to find a place close to church so Andy can continue to come home for lunch. I like seeing my man in the middle of the day, and I think the future kiddos will daily look forward to having their daddy home for lunch and a quick wrestle or if "bug" is a girl a quick tea party.

Baby News:
Baby Bug is now as big as a sweet potato and weighs around 7oz. Baby can now yawn, hiccup, suck its thumb, swallow, and has advanced with the gymnastic moves.
 Weight Gain? Now, 112.

Cravings/Aversions? I still like a good Arby's roast beef sandwich. Other than that I can't think of anything else. 

Morning Sickness? Yay Zofran!!! I'm taking it every other day and so far so good. I try to wait as long as I can to see if I need the pill on the second day. I think the nausea is getting better and I hope to stop taking Zofran soon. Then maybe I can get back to regular BM's (as my Gran would call it).LOL 

Baby Movements? I may be feeling some movements once or twice a day. I've noticed more the past couple of days. When did you start feeling your baby moving?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

16 weeks

This has been one tough week without nausea meds.  But seeing little squirt on Tuesday kicking around put everything back into prospective. I've been without meds. because I was in-between doctors and the pre-authorization for the insurance company is a royal pain, so I just decided to deal with it till I could get in to see my new doctor.  I now have Zofran in my system, and I am one happy girl!!

We were supposed to be finding out the gender at this appointment, but baby wouldn't cooperate with the tech. so she could see what was going on down there. I was a little bummed at first to have to wait an entire month longer to find out till I reminded myself of a few simple things. 
  • The baby is growing right on track. Baby is about 5oz. at this point.
  • I heard and got to see a heart beating at 139 beats/min
  • I can see evidence of God's creation right in front of my eyes
  • I see a beautiful profile of a child that's mine!  
 So, this week I am just thankful!! Since I don't want to keep calling the baby "the baby" or "it", Andy (my husband) came up with the nickname bug.  It stands for Baby of Undetermined Gender. Surely at my 20 week appointment we will find out a little more.

Baby Bug updates:
Weight gain? yes, I'm now 110

Cravings/Aversions? I can always go for a plain cheeseburger, Arby's roast beef sandwich (I lived off these last week), lemon-lime gatorade.

Next Appointment? I'll be 20 weeks, July 9th.

Morning Sickness? Oh dear, its been bad since I didn't take Zofran the past week.  I don't think I realized how much it was helping last week when I was complaining about it not working as well as it used to. I felt like such a bum all week. Usually I would start feeling better around 12:30 or 1 and could finally get a few things done.  I just have to remind myself to eat often.

How big is the baby? 5 oz, or the size of an avocado.