Saturday, December 8, 2012

Laurel's Birth Story

We were in Knoxville for a date day and decided to go see the new James Bond movie, all day I had noticed my belly getting tight and had felt some little cramps. Mid movie I decided to start timing them and they were about 5 minutes apart. I waited till we got in the car to let Andy know this had been happening all day and they had gotten closer during the movie, and he immediately wanted me to call the doctor. I thought this had to be it, but I was wondering why they didn't hurt. I called the doctor and we decided to wait and see what happened in the hour and after that we then headed to the hospital to get things checked out. At this point I had been contracting for 4 hours every 5 minutes When I got there they determined I was sill at 4cm and 90% effaced (I was like this for at least 3 weeks before Laurel was born) and was not continuing to dilate. So, they sent me home with the contractions and said to come back when they were painful. We were a bit disappointed that night to say the least, but knew it was best for this to happen in God's timing. At my 39 week appointment they had offered to admit me and "get things going". I was a bit perturbed at the offer as they knew how I wanted things to go. I decided that having a baby around a holiday makes doctors do things they might not normally do so they can spend time with their families too. Later that night the contractions began to get further and further apart and I finally got some sleep. So that was hospital trip #1.

Hospital trip #2. A couple days after my first trip to the hospital I started to notice some leakage. Not enough to say that my water broke, but enough to know it wasn't the norm either. I knew a slow leak wasn't a good thing to have happen and could lead to an infection of the baby and me. I called my sister (she's a nurse) and asked for her advice and she said if nothing had happend by the next day I needed to get it checked out. At this point I knew it wan't normal for me to be leaking for 3 days or to wake up and have a wet spot in the bed, I did not pee in the bed! So, we had a peaceful breakfast at home that Friday exactly a week after our first hospital visit and did a few things around the house just incase this was THE day. We headed to Knoxville and had lunch at KFC, love those crispy chicken tenders, and we were at the hospital by 12:30 and released about 45 min. later. They do a litmus type test to determine if your water has broken and mine was negative. I had already done some research on this before I went to the hospital, and knew that sometimes they give a false negative if there isn't a trickle at that exact moment. So at this point I'm sticking to the fact that I did not wet the bed! This was black Friday by the way, and after we left the hospital we did a little shopping at Belk (Andy got a corduroy sports coat for 35.00), Sears, and Sams. I was determined this baby was going to come soon if not that night, so we walked, and walked, and walked some more, and if that wasn't enough, we put up the Christmas tree when we got back later that night.  Well, it must have done the trick because a couple hours later I started to notice more than just tightening of my belly but some extra pains in my back as well, but nothing to alarming considering I had been contracting off and on like that for about a week.  We went to bed around 10:30 that night and I woke up at 1:11 (yes, I remember the exact time) and felt menstrual like cramps that didn't seem to be going away, but I wasn't sure it was the real thing since our last two trips were false alarms. So, I drank some water, walked around, went to the bathroom, and back to bed thinking they would probably go away soon. I couldn't sleep through them, but was able to breath through them for the next hour in bed till I couldn't lay comfortably anymore without being twisted into a ball. So, at 2:15 I got out of bed and walked into the living room and started timing them. They were every 5 min. again and I let that go on for close to an hour till they started to get closer together (every 3 min.) I called the doctor and got ready to set off on hospital visit #3. Third times the charm right?

Hospital trip #3. I woke Andy up at 3:30am and said "You ready to go see a baby." He was very groggy and I think he was pretty skeptical because of all the false alarms. But, off we went to Knoxville about a 35 min. drive. We got to the hospital and I was a whopping 8-9cm. and they also determined I had a high leak, hmmm.... imagine that. I immediately asked if a epidural was even possible, and this is when the nurse looked in my chart and stated that I was going all natural according to my preferences. I told her my preference was to see how things went before I jumped into anything. The nurse said if they could get 2 bags of fluids in me and get blood drawn and labs back they could then do an epidural. So they admitted me around 4:30am, got fluids going and blood drawn and not long after the anesthesiologist was there and pain relief was on its way. I am very thankful we were the only ones on the L&D floor at the time and got first priority. I have to say the epidural was the worst part. It wasn't even the actual epidural that hurt, but the position they made me get in that scared me, I just couldn't breathe and felt my heart slowing.  They made me get indian style on the bed with my head bent over around my watermelon of a belly while the nurse and Andy kept me pushed in that position for what seemed like a unnecessary amount of time. Other than that, I was one happy girl after the epidural! For about an hour they let me rest and get fully dilated and another hour and 6 min. later of pushing and our little lady was here.
When she came out, they immediately put her on my chest and I was amazed at how pretty she looked. I was expecting a cone shaped head and tons of white goo and blood, but instead God surprised us with the prettiest shaped head and nice pink skin from the start. Her cry was more than enough to make me and her Daddy cry, it was a beautiful sound! She is a wonder and I will be giving thanks for her for the rest of my life. I do have to remind my self that she is God's little girl first and formost and He has entrusted us this while to help watch over her and guide her to one day put her faith and hope in God as her heavenly father.

Laurel Emery Henard
Born 11-24-12 @ 7:26am
19 1/2 in

Mimi and her sweet girl.

Nana and Pappy meeting Laurel for the first time.

Monday, October 15, 2012

35 weeks

Well as Linnie Brown (my pastor's wife) would say, I'm large and in charge. lol
I really love being able to feel this little girl move around inside me, it's reassuring that she is healthy and happy in there. I think it's funny how she gets active right after I eat or sit to rest for a bit, or lay down for bed. I will miss having here in there for sure, but I look forward to seeing her face and all her little features God has created.
35 weeks, hello love handles

32 weeks
I had my first baby shower a couple weeks ago and we were blessed beyond imagination. The shower was in Bowling Green and my mom and aunts did and amazing job putting it all together. The theme was teddy bears because I was mom's teddy bear when I was little.

My beautiful cousin Emily and her sweet daughter Willow with my Mom.

Last weekend was a dear friend's wedding. Katie is now a married woman and she was one beautiful bride!! The day was wedding perfect, a wonderful crisp fall day. I loved all the fall decorations  and special touches her daddy put into the wedding. I wish I had more pictures to share with you, it was gorgeous and the evening will definitely be memorable for years to come.
Katie and Dan cutting the cake
A far away glance at her beautiful bustle.
Bouquet toss.
Mom and Dad. I love Dad's corduroy sports coat!
Today I packed my bag and baby girls bag for the hospital. I told Andy about it and he asked if I packed him one too. lol  Things are definitely starting to feel more real now. I think I got all the essentials, there are some things I jotted down on a list and will add later, like the camera and makeup.
Baby's Stuff for the hospital, lacking a bag to put it it. We will get one soon.
My bag
34 week photo, Darla blocked the belly, but you can still sorta see it

Monday, September 10, 2012

29 weeks "Big Kate"

Well, I may or may not be considered huge at this point. I can't believe I have 10 more weeks to go, and this belly is gonna have to keep stretching some more. No stretch marks yet, but I'm just holding my breath on that one. The kids I used to nanny had a special endearing term they liked to call me because my name was the same as one of the twins. So, to keep things straight the term "Big Kate" started. Well, I have lived up to my name for sure. lol
View from up here is a little different these days. 

Our sweet little girl is now almost 3 pounds about 15 in. long and about the size of a small cabbage.
This past week I have started to feel when she gets the hiccups. I know shes been getting them since at least 20 weeks, we could hear them on the doppler at the doctors, but I couldn't feel them. It is one strange feeling, kinda like a rhythmic twitch. I've tried to capture her crazy acrobatic movements on video but she usually stops once I get ready to start filming. She also comes to a freeze when I or Andy puts our hand on my belly to feel her moving.  This video was the best I could do.
My morning sickness nausea is definitely gone, I now only start feeling nauseous if I eat too much or if the baby moves suddenly while I'm eating or if it's just been too long since I ate last. I am very thankful to be able to enjoy this part of pregnancy with out getting sick. 
I have gained more weight, I'm now at 131. I'll be 30 weeks in just two days, so that makes me feel better. I have noticed that my weight has leveled out a bit since we moved into the house. I haven't been eating out as much since I have my own kitchen to cook in now. I love my new kitchen by the way. It's huge, so I get lots of exercise while I'm cooking.

Little girls room is now painted!!! Here is a preview of what it will look like.
We went with an off white, so I could do bold curtians.
I have fabric for a hard cornice with cream trim, I'll start on that project soon.
Swivel glider with ottoman. Our carpet here is gray, so I think it will go well. 

My mom found this dresser at a consignment shop in Bowling Green. I actually haven't see it in person yet, but I love it! It was a great price, and turns out that its actually a popular brand. We hadn't hear of it before (Henry Link, Bali Hai), but its well made and will work great for a changing table. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

All Moved In

I am now happy to say we are in our new home here in Dandridge, TN. Thanks to many church members and my amazing Mom things went smoothly and quickly with the move in. My mom cleaned, made curtains, and cooked a great meal while she was here. I felt like she was the energizer bunny making loops around me, she found things to clean that would have gone untouched otherwise. Thank you mom for everything you do!
So far, I have all the boxes unpacked and things are where they will stay for the most part. We quickly noticed that our cute little cozy apartment furniture now looks miniature sized for this house.
We once had cute little nooks like this:

The one bookshelf we kept fell apart while we
were moving. I used to complain about all of Andy's books, but they look pretty all color coordinated in our old place. I'll have to search craigslist for some new ones.

We now have huge empty spaces like this:
Right now I am reminding myself that things are not what make up a home. A home is where my man is and were good meals are made and friends are welcome to gather. I can busy my self tirelessly at making this house look pleasing to the eye, but am I really making a difference in the life of my family if this is all I focus on? I have been blessed beyond belief, and if this corner never looks picture perfect then so be it!

So, we have plenty of room to grow in this place as you can see. We have been busy hanging pictures this week and I'm enjoying cooking in my kitchen. Monday we started taping and priming in little girls room. We finished the priming and now on to the actual paint. Once we get that done I already have curtains to hang that mom made and then I'll make the cornices and have Andy hang those. We have the crib, a dresser my mom found, and I ordered a glider just a few days ago. Little girls room is coming together nicely! I'll do a separate nursery post once I get a few things finished.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

23 weeks

So far, this stage of pregnancy has been my favorite. I'm big enough that I don't just look fat, and I'm not sick on a daily basis anymore. I'm feeling more and more kicks and nudges from little girl (Yes, we are having a GIRL) and each one is a reminder of God's creation and amazing grace. Some kicks are so big Andy can see them just by looking at my belly. I do think it's funny that all the movement I feel is in the same area, always on the right side.
Look who's the big sister now. lol

Growing a baby girl in there!   

A couple weeks ago I also got to visit good ole Panama City Beach. Other than the traffic on the actual beach strip the trip was fabulous. I was somewhat of a third wheel or fourth if you count my parent's dog Darla, but I loved it anyway. I even convinced my mom to get in the ocean, she said she hadn't been in ocean since us girls were little. She did great, but Dad on the other hand though he would be just as adventurous and forgot he had a cell phone on his belt, and well, he now sports a new one. lol We were both pleased to find him a new one at Wal-Mart for just $40.00 (thanks to the suggestion of the super friendly electronics lady), he just slipped in his sim card and it even has a camera if he can figure out how to work it.

22 weeks on the beach

Baby girl shopping.

Baby girl is now over 11 in long and about 1.5 pounds. Her hearing has developed more and gets to moving when there are loud noises. This week while we were outside the sound of the lawn mower really got her moving in there.
Morning sickness is almost gone, it still creeps up on me randomly but I really can't complain to much on this one. I've noticed if I go to bed at a good time and wake up at a normal time I'm more likely to do better with it.
My weight....(while I run to check) right at 121. I'll be 24 weeks on the 1st, so I guess I'm doing good with the gain?
What I miss? Being able to eat a full meal with out feeling bloated. I try to eat smaller meals more often, but I still end up feeling bloated.
Cravings? I like cereal.

Oh, I think we decided on a stroller. Britax has a great offer out right now, if you buy a Britax B-Ready you get a car seat for free!!! I can't decide on the bigger car seat they offer, or the smaller one. Both have good safety ratings, the bigger is just supposed to be safer. The bigger one has the added anti-rebound bar, but is slightly heavier. Andy is my baby product researcher, but if you have any advice please send it our way.
Check out her new ride.

 Britax Chaperone Infant Car Seat
 House News:
We hope to close this Tues. but I'll save you the long story and leave it at that. Just pray it all works out for the good.

Mom and Dad's 30th Anniversary

 30th Anniversary

 About a week ago, I got to spend some much needed time with my family while my man was away with his students. My parents were celebrating their 30th anniversary and I'm so glad I got to share that time with them. We had big plans to do a re-dedication of their vows in one of the beautiful parks in New Orleans (where my sister lives) but the rain never let up and a strange virus was making its way through the Cromer family so plan B had to do. Well, it turned out to be a very sweet evening to share with family in my sister's home (especially since I didn't know the tears would come so easily). Clay (my brother-in-law) and Callie (my sister) did a great job planning out the ceremony, which included a lovely duet by the two of them. They chose a song by George Jones and Dolly Parton called Rockin' Years. The lyrics were perfect for the occasion and I only wish I had a recording of Callie and Clay's version.
Here is a video of the song if you would like to have a listen.

After the vow renewal we headed into the kitchen for pink lemonade, petit fours, nuts, and mints. It was all perfectly simple.
I'm so lucky to have seen a marriage that has stood the test of time. I love you both!!

Callie and Clay
Reading to James and Caleb

I love my Mom's ring!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

1/2 way there

I'm 20 weeks along today and it has officially hit me that pregnancy is not a 9 month ordeal, its more like 10. Since I'm 5 months or 20 weeks today, it makes sense that if I have to make it to 40 weeks, I still have 5 more months to go.

                     19 weeks
                        20 weeks                                                                                                       

Andy has been away at camp since Sunday and he gets back tomorrow. I'm excited to hear how things went and all the crazy stories that go along with it. I really wish I could have joined the youth, but I think it was best for me to stay here out of the heat. On Tuesday I was able to get out and about with a new friend (Amy). She took me to to the Java Garden Cafe in Morristown for lunch, and I can't wait to go again. After lunch we walked to a farmers market right across the street and I picked up these goodies. Look at that yellow zucchini!

Java Garden Morristown, Tn

Today Lou and Tee (this is who we are staying with till we close on the house) invited me to a friend of theirs for a bbq.  I'm pretty excited because I heard there would be ribs!! I continue to be thankful for a church family that takes good care of one another. 

Baby bug is now about 10 1/2oz. And about 10 in. long from head to heel or about the length of a banana. Everyday I get these random pregnancy emails that sometimes have interesting facts, but most the time they try to scare you to death by asking you if you've had any of these strange pregnancy symptoms.  I'll save you the gory details, but wow save yourself the worry and press delete and don't read on, what ever you do!! But sometimes you get fun info like: did you know your baby is now producing meconium? While still gross, its interesting that the baby's bowls are now functioning. I just hope Andy is the one who has to change that first black poo, on the other hand since he has never changed a diaper before in his life, maybe it's better not to traumatize him on the first go. lol

Weight Gain? 115. Last week I was weighing 115 as well. So, I've gained 5 pounds in a month. If I keep that up I'll weigh 140 by the time I deliver. Oh dear. Enough of that talk.

Morning Sickness? Better than ever in this department. The last time I took something was Sun. and I totally could have prevented that from happening if I had a snack before sunday school and if the room wasn't so hot I may have made it out of that one. I trilled to be able to keep food down and nourish this baby of mine!!

Baby Movements?  Definitely feeling the baby move for awhile now. It feels like he/she is flicking me from the inside. I was surprised that I can actually see the little bug kicking me and Andy has felt twice now.  I've read that even this early babies start to develop sleeping patterns and so far this seems to be true. I feel the baby more after meals and right before bed. Or maybe this kid just likes food and gets active once he/she hears some gurgling down there?

Cravings? I really seem to be liking cereal (rice krispies, and multi-grain cheerios). It may just be the heat and cereal just seems refreshing? Peanut butter and apples, or bananas. When I'm hungry though, I'll eat just about anything. I really try not to eat junk and instead eat fruit and some protein if I get hungry between meals.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

18 weeks

Hello, I got a belly!

I am slowly embracing this new belly of mine, and all that comes along with it (inc. those awesome stretchy pants). It's so nice to have a big sister and sister-in-law that have passed tons of clothes down to me. So, I now have some outer proof of this crazy journey we're on and I am grateful!!

We may have a house soon! We put the offer in on Friday and on Monday they ACCEPTED. Just waiting on the financing to go through, and a final closing date. This was actually one of the first houses we looked at, and after looking at what seemed like hundreds, we just couldn't get this one out of our heads. If you would, pray for the sellers who are currently looking for a place to rent, also pray that everything goes smoothly with the bank and final arrangements of the move. I'm so thankful we were able to find a place close to church so Andy can continue to come home for lunch. I like seeing my man in the middle of the day, and I think the future kiddos will daily look forward to having their daddy home for lunch and a quick wrestle or if "bug" is a girl a quick tea party.

Baby News:
Baby Bug is now as big as a sweet potato and weighs around 7oz. Baby can now yawn, hiccup, suck its thumb, swallow, and has advanced with the gymnastic moves.
 Weight Gain? Now, 112.

Cravings/Aversions? I still like a good Arby's roast beef sandwich. Other than that I can't think of anything else. 

Morning Sickness? Yay Zofran!!! I'm taking it every other day and so far so good. I try to wait as long as I can to see if I need the pill on the second day. I think the nausea is getting better and I hope to stop taking Zofran soon. Then maybe I can get back to regular BM's (as my Gran would call it).LOL 

Baby Movements? I may be feeling some movements once or twice a day. I've noticed more the past couple of days. When did you start feeling your baby moving?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

16 weeks

This has been one tough week without nausea meds.  But seeing little squirt on Tuesday kicking around put everything back into prospective. I've been without meds. because I was in-between doctors and the pre-authorization for the insurance company is a royal pain, so I just decided to deal with it till I could get in to see my new doctor.  I now have Zofran in my system, and I am one happy girl!!

We were supposed to be finding out the gender at this appointment, but baby wouldn't cooperate with the tech. so she could see what was going on down there. I was a little bummed at first to have to wait an entire month longer to find out till I reminded myself of a few simple things. 
  • The baby is growing right on track. Baby is about 5oz. at this point.
  • I heard and got to see a heart beating at 139 beats/min
  • I can see evidence of God's creation right in front of my eyes
  • I see a beautiful profile of a child that's mine!  
 So, this week I am just thankful!! Since I don't want to keep calling the baby "the baby" or "it", Andy (my husband) came up with the nickname bug.  It stands for Baby of Undetermined Gender. Surely at my 20 week appointment we will find out a little more.

Baby Bug updates:
Weight gain? yes, I'm now 110

Cravings/Aversions? I can always go for a plain cheeseburger, Arby's roast beef sandwich (I lived off these last week), lemon-lime gatorade.

Next Appointment? I'll be 20 weeks, July 9th.

Morning Sickness? Oh dear, its been bad since I didn't take Zofran the past week.  I don't think I realized how much it was helping last week when I was complaining about it not working as well as it used to. I felt like such a bum all week. Usually I would start feeling better around 12:30 or 1 and could finally get a few things done.  I just have to remind myself to eat often.

How big is the baby? 5 oz, or the size of an avocado.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Surprise, Surprise!

First Pic of Baby Henard: 8weeks 5 days here

There's not many true surprises in life that can take your breath away, quite literally. Seeing those two pink lines made my brown eyes dilate and heart flutter like I've never experienced before. I'm pregnant. I had to say it out loud to myself a few times to let it sink in. I had given Andy a heads up that I had an inclination that I might be pregnant. He didn't have much to say about the matter, he just nodded and said "O.K". At the time we had to be out of our apartment by May 31 because our lease was ending, he didn't have a job secured after a year of looking, and the topper on the cake was that our health insurance was also terminating May 31.  Life was looking a little scary at this point.  I knew God had everything in control, but at the time I knew some miracle had to happen. We needed a job for Andy, health insurance, a place to live and the list goes on.  All I know is that these things got straightened out in lightening timing and I praise God for taking call of the smallest matters.

A low down on whats been happening in our lives:
  • God provided an opportunity here in Dandridge, TN for Andy to be a Student Minister of youth and college and we are learning quickly and loving every bit of it.
  • We are now living in Jefferson City, TN  (the two towns are really close to one another) with a sweet retired couple that graciously invited us into their home. They have a black lab named Remington (Rem) that keeps me company during the day while Andy is away.
  • We put an offer on a house a few days after we moved here, but it was rejected. We offered 5,000 less than the asking but they think someone else may have a better offer. They may also buy the land behind the house, and I can see why it would be best to sell it together. So... we are still looking.
  • I'm still looking for a job in my field. I've put in two applications so far, and we'll keep you updated on that.  
Baby News:
How far along? 14 weeks

Weight Gain? (I'm gonna regret adding this question in here later) none, I'm one pound away from my pre-pregnancy weight of 107. I got down to 103 at one point.

Cravings/Aversions? Comfort food (pizza, potatoes, meat), anything bland and starchy, tangelos, baked potatoes. I can't think of anything I would puke at the sight of right now.

Morning Sickness? I think it should be called all day sickness, Zofran is my friend most of the time. I feel like when I hit week 13 it stopped working as well. I take it about every other day, and when I do take it I feel like it never quite kicks in like it used to. I've tried phenegran, and it doesn't kick in fast enough for it to stay down. I have found if I eat before I get hungry, I have less problems. But overall I think it it easing up.

Next Appointment?  I'll be 16 weeks and we may find out if baby is a boy or girl then.  June 5th. My guess is a boy.

How big is the baby? Size of a lemon!

Let me know if you would like to see any other questions for me to update you on. I'm new at this whole blogging thing and I need your suggestions.

About a week before we moved to TN, I decided another last minute beach trip was a must. So, I grabbed the ultrasound pic. and our TN garb for the perfect photo to share our news.

12 week us