Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Surprise, Surprise!

First Pic of Baby Henard: 8weeks 5 days here

There's not many true surprises in life that can take your breath away, quite literally. Seeing those two pink lines made my brown eyes dilate and heart flutter like I've never experienced before. I'm pregnant. I had to say it out loud to myself a few times to let it sink in. I had given Andy a heads up that I had an inclination that I might be pregnant. He didn't have much to say about the matter, he just nodded and said "O.K". At the time we had to be out of our apartment by May 31 because our lease was ending, he didn't have a job secured after a year of looking, and the topper on the cake was that our health insurance was also terminating May 31.  Life was looking a little scary at this point.  I knew God had everything in control, but at the time I knew some miracle had to happen. We needed a job for Andy, health insurance, a place to live and the list goes on.  All I know is that these things got straightened out in lightening timing and I praise God for taking call of the smallest matters.

A low down on whats been happening in our lives:
  • God provided an opportunity here in Dandridge, TN for Andy to be a Student Minister of youth and college and we are learning quickly and loving every bit of it.
  • We are now living in Jefferson City, TN  (the two towns are really close to one another) with a sweet retired couple that graciously invited us into their home. They have a black lab named Remington (Rem) that keeps me company during the day while Andy is away.
  • We put an offer on a house a few days after we moved here, but it was rejected. We offered 5,000 less than the asking but they think someone else may have a better offer. They may also buy the land behind the house, and I can see why it would be best to sell it together. So... we are still looking.
  • I'm still looking for a job in my field. I've put in two applications so far, and we'll keep you updated on that.  
Baby News:
How far along? 14 weeks

Weight Gain? (I'm gonna regret adding this question in here later) none, I'm one pound away from my pre-pregnancy weight of 107. I got down to 103 at one point.

Cravings/Aversions? Comfort food (pizza, potatoes, meat), anything bland and starchy, tangelos, baked potatoes. I can't think of anything I would puke at the sight of right now.

Morning Sickness? I think it should be called all day sickness, Zofran is my friend most of the time. I feel like when I hit week 13 it stopped working as well. I take it about every other day, and when I do take it I feel like it never quite kicks in like it used to. I've tried phenegran, and it doesn't kick in fast enough for it to stay down. I have found if I eat before I get hungry, I have less problems. But overall I think it it easing up.

Next Appointment?  I'll be 16 weeks and we may find out if baby is a boy or girl then.  June 5th. My guess is a boy.

How big is the baby? Size of a lemon!

Let me know if you would like to see any other questions for me to update you on. I'm new at this whole blogging thing and I need your suggestions.

About a week before we moved to TN, I decided another last minute beach trip was a must. So, I grabbed the ultrasound pic. and our TN garb for the perfect photo to share our news.

12 week us