My girl thinks she's big stuff, the days of laying her on the floor and coming back and finding her in the exact same place are over. If I leave the room now she gets stuck under stuff or bangs her head on something or falls over and cries, so I think its time for a confined play area when unsupervised.
It's so fun to see her explore and learn new things everyday! I feel like she has a new facial expression or mannerism each and every day. Her currant thing is scrunching her nose up with her mouth open wide.
Here are a few more things she's doing these days:
- She has a favorite toy that she gravitates to throughout the day ( looks like a steering wheel, but it tweets like a bird)
- Can scoot backward to a sitting position, very close to crawling
- Rolls across the room
- Only word is still momma since around 6 1/2 months, we are working on other sounds
- Loves to go for walks, we usually go for two a day one after her morning nap and one after her dinner
- Enjoys Solid food, now eating: Sweet Potatoes, Yellow Summer Squash, Carrots, Green Beans, Butternut Squash, Avocado, Pear, Apple, Peach, Bananas, Mango, Peas are next on the menu
- Nursing 4-5 times a day. Don't know how much longer I can keep this up, she is one squirmy little girl, with sharp teeth!!! She is also having issues off and on with nursing while awake. She's been doing good first thing in the morning and her feed before she goes to bed, but the rest take more patience and guessing. I either have to wait till she falls asleep at nap time to nurse her or if she gets super still for a long time before she falls asleep then I can give it a try.
- Taking 2-3 naps a day. I think she is dropping the late afternoon nap. This next week I'm going to work on extending her awake time by a few minutes every day and hope that she will nap longer. I'll also push back breakfast and lunch and see if that helps us get through the day with only two naps.
- I really thought she would be better at sitting up before she attempted crawling, but she seems to want to do it all. She can sit up for long periods of time but forgets to balance herself when she sees a interesting toy.
- I starting feeding her puffs around 7 1/2 months and she loves them.
- While Andy was at camp with his students, I took Laurel to visit my parents and had a wonderful time. She had her first time in the pool and LOVED it!! She's my little froggie swimmer.
- I'll take Laurel to Lexington this next week to spend time with Andy's parents while Andy is in Cincinnati. on a mission trip with the youth.
- Likes to stand on one leg and hold the other out like a ballerina
- Lets it be known when she wants someone to play with her, especially her daddy
- Loves sitting in the shopping cart and looking up at the florescent lights at the store, she really wants you to kiss her neck when she does this
- Starting to sit up in the bathtub, I don't trust her yet but she likes it
- It's a struggle to change her diaper without her rolling over (this is going to be our first discipline issue)
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