Friday, January 25, 2013

One month with my new love

Laurel is one special girl and we continue to thank God for the blessing she is in our lives. This past month Laurel has amazed is in so many ways.

What Laurel is up to this month:
  • She continues to smile (she has been doing this since day one in the hospital)
  • Likes baths if you keep warm water on her, does not like getting dressed afterward
  • Started taking a paci at 2 weeks old (the day my mom left from helping us out was when she decided to take one)
  • First road trip to my mom and dad's for Christmas and Gran's Funeral 
  • Loves to be soothed by being held in the upright position while you do the baby dance with her and say "SHhhh" over and over
  • Likes to have her diaper changed and looks at herself in the mirror
  • Feed every two hours during the day
  • Takes cat naps throughout the day and one big nap around 1 or so in the afternoon
  • At night she goes 4-5 hours and then wants to be fed, so I'm getting up with her twice at night
  • Is ready for the new day around 7:30am and loves it when we unswaddle her, she gives the biggest stretches by putting her hands above her head and pointing her toes
  • Does a cluster feed at 7, 8, and 9 then is ready for bed
  • Liking her car seat more and more, she has her best naps when we are out and about
  • First walk around the neighborhood was at one week old
  • First restaurant was a Chinese buffet at 10:00pm (this was at a week old too, had a unexpected trip to the hospital due to me hurting my back)
8.8 lb, 20.5 in
Christmas Day

Pawpaw and Laurel
Pappy, Darla, and Laurel
Aunt Callie and Laurel

Aunt Virginia and Cousin Ashlyn holding Laurel