Well, I may or may not be considered huge at this point. I can't believe I have 10 more weeks to go, and this belly is gonna have to keep stretching some more. No stretch marks yet, but I'm just holding my breath on that one. The kids I used to nanny had a special endearing term they liked to call me because my name was the same as one of the twins. So, to keep things straight the term "Big Kate" started. Well, I have lived up to my name for sure. lol
View from up here is a little different these days. |
Our sweet little girl is now almost 3 pounds about 15 in. long and about the size of a small cabbage.
This past week I have started to feel when she gets the hiccups. I know shes been getting them since at least 20 weeks, we could hear them on the doppler at the doctors, but I couldn't feel them. It is one strange feeling, kinda like a rhythmic twitch. I've tried to capture her crazy acrobatic movements on video but she usually stops once I get ready to start filming. She also comes to a freeze when I or Andy puts our hand on my belly to feel her moving. This video was the best I could do.
My morning sickness nausea is definitely gone, I now only start feeling nauseous if I eat too much or if the baby moves suddenly while I'm eating or if it's just been too long since I ate last. I am very thankful to be able to enjoy this part of pregnancy with out getting sick.
I have gained more weight, I'm now at 131. I'll be 30 weeks in just two days, so that makes me feel better. I have noticed that my weight has leveled out a bit since we moved into the house. I haven't been eating out as much since I have my own kitchen to cook in now. I love my new kitchen by the way. It's huge, so I get lots of exercise while I'm cooking.
Little girls room is now painted!!! Here is a preview of what it will look like.
We went with an off white, so I could do bold curtians. |
I have fabric for a hard cornice with cream trim, I'll start on that project soon. |
Swivel glider with ottoman. Our carpet here is gray, so I think it will go well. |